Wednesday, 11 February 2009

Noel Clarke and the 2009 BAFTAs

This must be the first time in a decade at least that I actually backed a winner. Noel Clarke has won the Rising Star award at the Baftas and I voted for him. Last time I even came close to winning was on an accumulator at Chepstow, and that doesn't really count because my final horse didn't place.
Anyway, although I thought Michael Fassbender would win, I still voted for Noel. The more I think about it now, the more I think the choice was actually a foregone conclusion. I guess Noel is the most recognisable face in the category, thanks to his Doctor Who stint. Maybe I should have shown my support to Fassbender after all? Maybe he needed it more? Still, I'm so pleased Noel won. The Kidulthood and Adulthood films show there's much more to Noel than just fighting cybermen and losing his girlfriend to a timelord. Perhaps this will be his year.

The 2009 Baftas was, I have to say, far more exciting than usual. I didn't fall asleep on the settee, as I thought I would, I was glued to the box. Mickey Rourke was hugely entertaining, and apart from the shambolic montage that introduced him, it was brilliant to see Terry Gilliam get the fellowship. Of course, Slumdog Millionaire with 7 Baftas is now the film to beat at the Oscars, but it was nice to see a spread of awards going to other deserving recipients; Heath Ledger, Man on Wire, I've Loved You So Long, Steve McQueen. I'm only sad they didn't create some kind of special award, just for being totally brilliant, and give it to Michael Sheen. Next year Michael. Best Actor - The Damned United. It's coming to you!

Everybody seemed super excited to see Brad and Angelina at the awards too - the cameras could hardly bare to be pulled away from them - but I bet I'm not alone in being a teensy bit pleased they didn't win. It's not like they need any more publicity, is it? And doesn't Brad look like a cock with that awful 'tache. Sort it out man.

Image Sourced from: Wikimedia Commons, first published by dalekhelen on Flickr: