Friday, 27 March 2009

Michael Sheen Profile

In addition to the last post I wrote, about Michael Sheen's favourite movies (read it here, if it's not below), I've knocked out a brand spanking new profile piece on the acting chameleon du jour. I know it's asking a lot, but you will have to navigate away from Movienoodle - the site that some people are describing as "an utter waste of time" and others call "Movie what?" - to read the exciting, trivia filled article. But it's worth it.

The profile piece has already been published on Suite101 (some might call it my 'real' writing job, but the main difference is just a change of tense, really). Anyway, check out the incredible Michael Sheen Actor Profile article. So groundbreaking in its freshness, you might be tempted to think some of the facts are made up, but I assure you, my friends, my anonymous source was quite adamant that it's all true!