Tuesday, 14 April 2009

Star Wars - A Musical Journey

I have just got back from London, where I enjoyed a most entertaining evening in the company of the London Philharmonic Orchestra and lots of funny people dressed up as Star Wars characters. Described as a "unique concert event", the basic set up of Star Wars - A Musical Journey, was a live performance of John Williams' iconic music, played underneath a huge screen which synchronized specially edited segments from all the Star Wars films to the orchestral scores.

Along with meeting a cheeky and very American (are they all American?) storm trooper (see above), I was also stupidly thrilled to spot the real Boba Fett (Jeremy Bulloch) in the audience, and entranced by the talents of the show's narrator Anthony Daniels, who is of course better known as the golden one, C3P0. So, it is with a tremendous amount of geeky Star Wars pleasure and a certain amount of pride that now, for one post only, I am going to place Movienoodle in the capable hands of said esteemed actor, Mr Anthony Daniels:

"Greetings film fans, 'tis I Anthony Daniels. I was humbled by your applause on the opening night of Star Wars - A Musical Journey. How kind you are to remember me with such fondness. C3P0, as you are no doubt aware, was a daunting role. Little did I know, thirty years ago when the jokers among the cast and crew 'forgot' to free me from my golden costume during breaks in filming, that it would be me who had the last laugh. Yes, Star Wars is but a footnote in the history of my life. I have since emerged truly victorious as a serious actor of note. My Hamlet is the stuff of legend, as I was saying to my successor Brian, at the Melton Mowbray Players theatre group just last year. As the natural choice to front this fabulous new money spinning, or rather re-imagining, of the Star Wars franchise, I relish the chance to tread the boards once more. The theatre is my spiritual home. How lucky I am that Star Wars - A Musical Journey is punctuated with so many opportunities to really act. I may only be credited as the narrator, but anyone lucky enough to witness my quiet lament to the forest moon of Endor, will testify to my acting prowess. As I reach out a tentative hand, towards a planet that exists only in my mind, the audience is swept along on a magical journey with me. Some were even moved to tears. That connection comes from the power of acting. That is why live performance is such a joy, and why Star Wars will forever hold a very special place in my heart."

(Please note, the above words, attributed to Mr Daniels, are all made up.)