- One Flew Over the Cukoo's Nest
is on Sky Movie Greats at 10.15pm
- Spartacus is on Sky Movie Classics at 3.25pm
- Everlasting Moments is on Sky Movies Indie at 2.25pm
On normal telly, there's:
- Batman Begins
on ITV2 at 9.00pm
- Goodfellas on ITV4 at 10pm.
So, quite a good day for films, although let's face it we've probably seen them all before, except for Everlasting Moments. But I'm keeping that one on the list, even if it has to be a rental recommendation for all of us without SMI. I guess they're all rental recs really, just that they're based on my perusal of what films are showing on TV here and now, in the UK.
I'm in the middle of compiling an extensive list of great films to buy or rent which I'll post here on the site very soon. And we'll also be looking at the most exciting films in production, coming to a cinema near you soon, so stay tuned, there's plenty more to come.